ページ 11

アイコン入力処理 Icon Input Processing

Posted: 2020年5月04日(月) 00:10
by xabileug
ごめんなさい. 私は日本語を話すことができません

I want to request a plugin that can replace the Name Input Processing with icons instead of letters.
I will use this for a mini game like a password. ミニゲーム パスワード

I want to be able to set up the icon sets in the plugin, and setup if order is important or not.
I want to be able to store the result in a variable.

For example iconinput ID 1 => [ 89, 90, 98, 100, 102, 67, 98]

If i use plugin command iconinput 1 1 5 5 1

this means i will use the icons from icon set 1, the rows is 1, columns is 5, it will choose 5 random icons from the set, 1 means the order display is shuffled

Next plugin command is iconinputcheck 89 80 98 true
this means the plugin will check that the icons 89 80 98 are selected in correct order. For avoiding error if the password is less than the number of random icons, plugin must recheck the password before displaying available set, then shuffle display.

If possible, the icon size can be set. and the window x y coordinate be set. thank you. ありがとうございました
Something similar to tomoaky TMBunnyTouch