
記事: 2
登録日時: 2022年4月17日(日) 06:37


投稿記事by snowdude » 2022年4月17日(日) 07:06




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Hello, I apologize for the poor grammar. I am an english speaker, using an online translator.
I am looking for a plugin that merges all the functions of Scene_Battle into Scene_Map. I want to remove all transitions between these two scenes and have a single monolithic scene that handles all gameplay.

The reason I want this is because I am making a first person RPG and I would like to include a combat system similar to the early Wizardry games or early Shin Megami Tensei games, where combat is "integrated" into the maze you're exploring - it doesn't switch to a separate battle stage. I also want to utilize this combat system to handle NPC encounters, which are implemented as troops with a turn 0 conversation event, which ends with abort combat.

I couldn't find such a plugin in the english RMMV community. I was hoping that maybe I could have a bit more luck over here, as the japanese RPG community seems to remember these series more fondly. Is there such a plugin?

剣崎 宗二
記事: 685
登録日時: 2016年11月12日(土) 20:36

Re: Scene_Mapに統合されたターン制バトル

投稿記事by 剣崎 宗二 » 2022年4月19日(火) 16:48


I do not know any plugin similar to what you are requesting.
But I am wondering, does the scenes really needs to be merged?

To me, just by not setting background for battle scenes (in such case they will use whatever displayed as map previous to battle as background), and use some other plugins to remove the effect going into Scene_Battle will be able to achieve the effects you wanted.
最後に編集したユーザー 剣崎 宗二 on 2022年4月20日(水) 00:27 [ 編集 1 回目 ]
記事: 2
登録日時: 2022年4月17日(日) 06:37

Re: Scene_Mapに統合されたターン制バトル

投稿記事by snowdude » 2022年4月19日(火) 21:23

剣崎 宗二 さんが書きました:

シーンのマージの背後にある私の主な目的は、Scene_MapとScene_Battleの間の読み込み時間をなくすことです。 FPLEを使用すると、マップを適切にリロードするのに最大12秒かかる場合があり、ゲームプレイが大幅に遅くなります。 また、戦闘とマップの両方に同じUIを使用しており、それらをシームレスに統合すると、はるかにクリーンなコードになります。
My main intent behind merging the scenes is to eliminate the loading times between Scene_Map and Scene_Battle. With FPLE it can take up to 12 seconds to properly reload the map in some cases, which slows down gameplay by a lot. Also, I use the same UI for both combat and map, and integrating them seamlessly would lead to much cleaner code.

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